welcome winnie
Wow, its nearly been eight weeks since I’ve touched down in this blog-sphere. It’s fair to say I’ve got a valid excuse for the lack of posts. We welcomed our gorgeous daughter, Winifred, known to us as Winnie, into the world on September 26. Winnie has us all tangled up in love and makes us gasp […]
A portrait of my daughter, once a week, every week, in 2014. photo caption: We’re trialling a shetland pony for Finn at the moment. This photo is of Finn on Minty (previously called Gally) who was determined to go over the ‘pink’ jumps – fortunately Minty was a willing participant. Finn was very nonchalant about the entire […]
In limbo
So I officially started maternity leave as of Monday this week from salt magazine – my other business that I run with my father. Come to think of it, I haven’t talked about it much on this here blog space. No particular reason really, I started the lifestyle magazine which is based on the sublime […]
As I sit here the size of a mini-bus (35 weeks pregnant), feeling dreary from a head cold this image transports me. It was taken on the Maasai Mara ride in Kenya and in a couple of days I’ve got three clients who will start this adrenalin-packed ride. I’m not going to lie, I wish I was going with them. […]
This image was taken on our British Colombia ride in Canada of the head guide Josh. It took us a good four hours on horseback to reach this vista. We spent a lazy lunch soaked in sun, eating food out of saddle bags while the horses snoozed in the shade.
This image was captured by Astrid Harrisson on our Sierra Chica ride in Argentina.
A portrait of my daughter, once a week, every week, in 2014. photo caption: This is our little globetrotter as of yesterday. Her grandmother brought the South American inspired cardigan back from a recent trip to the USA. She loves wearing her hoodie. Here she is putting lawn clippings in her toy pram. Every afternoon, […]
A portrait of my daughter, once a week, every week, in 2014. photo caption: Here is a pic of our little globetrotter with her papa at our local agricultural show in Maleny. The show always falls at the end of May and it always rains so that fair-goers are never without a pair of gum boots […]
Mongolia – The Final Frontier
I have a tribe of globetrotters travelling to Mongolia in August, some have been before and others it’s their first time. Safe to say, I love organising their trips and I would be lying if I didn’t mention I’m a shade of green that I’m not accompanying them – especially in my rotund state! They […]
GoPro-ing On Horseback
For many years now, years Buster and I have been GoPro-ing our Globetrotting adventures to add another dimension to our videography and we love it. When our clients are considering a riding adventure, video footage makes it a lot easier for them to get a feel for the landscape, pace and horses. GoPros offer an […]
My dreams have been peppered with jumping fallen logs in faraway lands at the moment. So when I stumbled across this quote on Pinterest, I couldn’t help myself! Buster took this photo when we were riding in Patagonia, Chile.
The Almighty Polo Swing
I’m the first to admit that I’m an awful spectator when it comes to watching a sport I love. At 27 weeks pregnant I’ve been pushed to the sideline for the current polo season. On Sunday I found myself in attendance at our home polo field on the banks of the mighty Mary River to […]
I whole heartedly believe in this quote. Travelling is the university of life.
A portrait of my daughter, once a week, every week, in 2014. Every fourth Sunday of the month in Nambour, we have the Little Steam Trains that chug around a leafy bush track, under bridges and alongside a creek. This is the second time we’ve been and Finn loves it. This Sunday she got to […]
A portrait of my daughter, once a week, every week, in 2014. * So I’ve only missed some 12 weeks of this photo series. Will try and stay on track for my own sake as our little Finn is growing like a weed. photo caption: This little poppet celebrated her second birthday a week ago. This […]
Days Like These
I’ve been feeling quite distant from this blog of late and I guess the reason is I’m not actively globetrotting at the moment. I’m curious, have you ever had a time in your life where horses have been out of reach? I’ve had brief episodes in my life where my connection with equines has lapsed […]
Feeling Beige
Six weeks has gone and this blog post has been a vacant space with tumble weeds passing through its virtual pages. To be completely honest, I haven’t posted of late because I’ve been feeling beige, some may describe it as ‘meh.’ As if I’ve been walking through a thick fog and have no idea when […]
A portrait of my daughter, once a week, every week, in 2014. photo caption: We just wished on a ‘father christmas’ (you remember those sphere’s of white) and she was watching the breeze take it to a far away place. My clever mother made her dress from Hello Kitty Liberty print fabric we bought in […]
Our Globetrotter Is Learning To Ride
Can you remember the first time you rode a horse? Pictured above is an aged, curled cornered photo of me astride our hefty, chestnut racehorse called Oakley aged 4 with my sister, Amanda (at the front). My brother, sister and I were the fortunate ones to be born into a horse-loving family. My father has […]