Happy Monday globetrotters! I love this quote. This image was captured on our honeymoon (six years ago now) on the Namib Desert Safari in Namibia. To ride across one of the oldest desert’s in the world is a phenomenal experience. Keep in mind, it’s not for the faint-hearted it is the toughest, endurance ride on […]
A beautiful quote spoken by a man I have HUGE respect for. This image was captured on our remote ride in British Columbia, Canada with enormous skies and majestic mountain ranges.
Why you should horse ride in Mongolia before you kick the bucket
For globetrotters who have a sense of humour and a desire to explore unchartered territory from a stout Mongol pony, a riding adventure in Mongolia ticks all the boxes, five boxes in fact. And here they are: Culture As soon as you enter Mongolia whether its via plane or on the Trans-Siberian railway through the Gobi Desert […]
Monday Musing
Buster took this image of me on our 19-day horse riding trek in the northern region of Mongolia. Hand on heart, I’ve had the dreamers disease ever since I can remember and I hope to pass it onto everyone I’m in contact with, including my gorgeous girls.
Speak like a local
speak like a local with these handy apps You’ll always get a thumbs up from a country’s native if you have a go at speaking in their language. Whether you pronounce the words appallingly bad or string a sentence together that has absolutely no meaning, you get a tick of approval and ten points for trying […]
Our Guide to Travel Insurance for Horse Riding Holidays
Travel insurance is compulsory on all Globetrotting rides, regardless of whether you’re travelling within your home country or abroad. It’s absolutely imperative to be covered by travel insurance so that you have a safety net in case unexpected circumstances arise. Travel insurance can cover you for financial losses caused by a wide range of events […]
resting easy in raglan
I would like to introduce you to Raglan – as voted by National Geographic as one of the world’s best surf towns. We’ve rented a rustic, sagging at the bones beach cottage perched on the North Island of New Zealand overlooking Whale Bay, a 15-minute drive from Raglan. There is a huge surf culture oozing […]
polo tragic
When I’m up in the wee hours of the morning feeding my baby girl I’ve been purging on youtube videos of high goal polo play. While Buster and Finn dream, Winnie and I escape into the world of high goal polo antics. Polo isn’t a mainstream sport and therefore doesn’t receive much air time on the television networks so […]
bush life
I’ve written before about Buster and my rural upbringing where Buster was brought up on a farming property near Nindigully and I on a cotton property near Dalby. My childhood memories are as sweet-as-honey: swimming in the tea-stained dam (peddling your legs like a duck to prevent the leaches from latching); fire and brimstone storms reaching across the sky; feeding our poddy […]
Angus Barrett Saddlery
The first time I discovered Angus Barrett Saddlery was at the Warwick camp draft where we both had trade stands. His leatherwork is a breath of fresh air in a market that is saturated with poor quality, imported tack. Angus takes great pride in his work to the point of being fastidious. His leather is sourced at […]
Back in the saddle – how sweet it is
So after six months of pregnancy (click here, to read my thoughts on riding when pregnant) and seven weeks since welcoming Winnie into the world, I managed to squeeze in a couple of rides last week. Strangely, I was a little anxious about riding, post-partem, even though I’ve been there before with our Finn. I don’t know where the […]
privacy policy
Privacy Policy Last updated: 19/11/2016 My Company Globetrotting operates This page informs you of our policies regarding the collection, use and disclosure of Personal Information we receive from users of the Site. We use your Personal Information only for providing and improving the Site. By using the Site, you agree to the collection and use of information […]
welcome winnie
Wow, its nearly been eight weeks since I’ve touched down in this blog-sphere. It’s fair to say I’ve got a valid excuse for the lack of posts. We welcomed our gorgeous daughter, Winifred, known to us as Winnie, into the world on September 26. Winnie has us all tangled up in love and makes us gasp […]
A portrait of my daughter, once a week, every week, in 2014. photo caption: We’re trialling a shetland pony for Finn at the moment. This photo is of Finn on Minty (previously called Gally) who was determined to go over the ‘pink’ jumps – fortunately Minty was a willing participant. Finn was very nonchalant about the entire […]
In limbo
So I officially started maternity leave as of Monday this week from salt magazine – my other business that I run with my father. Come to think of it, I haven’t talked about it much on this here blog space. No particular reason really, I started the lifestyle magazine which is based on the sublime […]
As I sit here the size of a mini-bus (35 weeks pregnant), feeling dreary from a head cold this image transports me. It was taken on the Maasai Mara ride in Kenya and in a couple of days I’ve got three clients who will start this adrenalin-packed ride. I’m not going to lie, I wish I was going with them. […]
This image was taken on our British Colombia ride in Canada of the head guide Josh. It took us a good four hours on horseback to reach this vista. We spent a lazy lunch soaked in sun, eating food out of saddle bags while the horses snoozed in the shade.
This image was captured by Astrid Harrisson on our Sierra Chica ride in Argentina.