while you are sleeping
We’re at the tail end of our 12 day trip to Canada where we road tested a seven day ride in the remote Canadian wilderness. Buster and I are currently sitting at a airport lounge in the shabby Los Angeles International Airport waiting for our direct flight home to Brisbane. I’ll divulge all and more […]
bush polo
Apologies that this virtual space has been vacated for nearly a month now. Of late I’ve been tremendously losing the tug-of-war between work and life. We’ve recently been on a two-night mini-break to the rural town of Goondiwindi (known as Gundy to most). Buster, Finn and I, with Harry Noodle and our three polo ponies […]
tides are shifting…slowly
After the weekend just gone I have to be honest with you, I’m second guessing my commitment to the world of polo now that I have a young family. The ground is absolutely sodden where I live, it squishes underfoot revealing rich, black mud. Polo has been cancelled over the last two weekends and our […]
ducktail love
Buster and I fight each night over who is going to comb Finn’s wet, sweet smelling hair. I love this part of the day where our baby girl is smelling fresh, clean, slurping on a bottle of milk, sitting up in her pink jellybean wondersuit. I part her honeyed locks and comb the runaway curls […]
to ride or not to ride when pregnant
I was a fence-sitter on this topic until I fell pregnant myself. Before broaching this subject I want to attach the following disclaimer: it’s different for each and every woman so please don’t take my word as gospel as I’m far from a medical practitioner. BUT drawing on my experience I rode and played polo […]
punched by polo
One, two, three, four, five, six – six purple bruises dotted on my legs and arms after the weekend’s triumphs. I’m currently walking like a 90-year-old hunch-back, limping with a sore leg and moaning in pain when bending down to pick up Finn. After two days of polo my body is absolutely destroyed. Clearly I’m […]