polo Archives - Horse Riding Holidays and Safaris

Back in the saddle – how sweet it is

So after six months of pregnancy (click here, to read my thoughts on riding when pregnant) and seven weeks since welcoming Winnie into the world, I managed to squeeze in a couple of rides last week. Strangely, I was a little anxious about riding, post-partem, even though I’ve been there before with our Finn. I don’t know where  the […]


while you are sleeping

We’re at the tail end of our 12 day trip to Canada where we road tested a seven day ride in the remote Canadian wilderness. Buster and I are currently sitting at a airport lounge in the shabby Los Angeles International Airport waiting for our direct flight home to Brisbane. I’ll divulge all and more […]


tides are shifting…slowly

After the weekend just gone I have to be honest with you, I’m second guessing my commitment to the world of polo now that I have a young family. The ground is absolutely sodden where I live, it squishes underfoot revealing rich, black mud. Polo has been cancelled over the last two weekends and our […]


ducktail love

Buster and I fight each night over who is going to comb Finn’s wet, sweet smelling hair. I love this part of the day where our baby girl is smelling fresh, clean, slurping on a bottle of milk, sitting up in her pink jellybean wondersuit. I part her honeyed locks and comb the runaway curls […]


punched by polo

One, two, three, four, five, six – six purple bruises dotted on my legs and arms after the weekend’s triumphs. I’m currently walking like a 90-year-old hunch-back, limping with a sore leg and moaning in pain when bending down to pick up Finn. After two days of polo my body is absolutely destroyed. Clearly I’m […]


dawn awakenings

I’ve been up before the sun even wakes from her slumber most mornings this week. You see I’m playing my first polo tournament this weekend since having my darling daughter, Finn, who is 13 months. It’s been a struggle to find the time to exercise three horses and get them ready for this weekend. They […]


polo at puddle duck farm

With the start of May just around the corner the 2013 polo season is set to start and I must admit I’m getting quite excited at the thought of pelting up and down the polo field on my mares. Its going to be a interesting balancing act this year with Miss Finn in the picture. […]