Introducing our little globetrotter – Finn
In the spotlightWe’re bursting at the seams to share our bundle of joy to the world, who will be joining us on our globetrotting adventures.
So, without further a do, here is our little girl Finn, who was born May 9, a day after her Mama’s birthday (yes, I was in labour the day before my birthday, on my birthday and the following day), weighing in at 7 pounds 7 ounces. Our pooch Harry Noodle Pie Pie has sniffed and licked her cherry-pink toes and the horses have given her a nonchalant nuzzle before strip searching me for carrots.It’s only a matter of time (this December in fact) that we’ll be embarking on our first globetrotting trip with our divine daughter, Finn, at the hip.
Our little globetrotter will have her passport stamped at the tender age of 12 weeks (we’ve got a warm up trip planned to Fiji in August), wish us luck! A lot of people have been extremely negative that our ‘globetrotting’ lifestyle would come to an abrupt stop once we had tots underfoot. That was the main reason as to why it took me a wee while to join the motherhood band wagon. I’m a mother at the blossoming age of 31!
When I first fell pregnant I trawled the web incessantly to gain inspiration from other families that have continued to travel with babies and small children. I soon discovered that there wasn’t a lot of information about travelling with kids (I fell in love with the family behind The Goodwin Project, a ultra-cool, gypsy, surfing family, meet them here). So I figure we can share our adventures and mis-adventures with Finn when we travel to remote regions of the world from the back of a horse and give confidence to new parents that travelling is possible with children. This is in theory – we haven’t done it yet!
I was back riding my polo mare Tilly (I’m hoping to get the tail end of the polo season in) a week after returning from hospital. It was such a liberating feeling to be back on a horse again after six months of being out of the saddle, I stopped riding when I was 12 weeks pregnant. I felt physically fine riding again and can’t wait for the day when Finn, will be riding alongside me.
I’m mindful not to wish away these all too precious moments (doesn’t everyone say they grow up far too fast?), where she delights me with wet smiles at 3am, squealing in delight as she finds her voice and falls asleep in the crook of my arms or against the rise and fall of my chest. I never expected that I would enjoy motherhood so much.
I still marvel at her beauty and shiver with emotion to think that my body made every perfect inch of her, from her rose pink fingers and toes, her mop of chocolate brown hair, her cute as a button nose, her kissable lips and the list goes on.
As soon as I locked eyes on my little girl, I knew I had met her before, its as if I’ve always been waiting for her to enter my life and now I can’t imagine a single moment without her.
Welcome to the world, our little muppet, we’re truly blessed to be chosen as your parents. We can’t wait to show you the universe.