It’s been awhile but we’re back
In the spotlightWhy hello blog, I’m sorry I’ve neglected you for the past month or two. It’s disgraceful to think that my last post was at the end of November. I’ve got a relatively good excuse, we’ve been globetrotting around South America for the past six weeks (more on that later). Granted we’ve been back on Australian soil for more than a month now but its taken Finn, Buster and myself time to get our mojo back, blow out the jet lag cobwebs and get into the groove of the work, life balance. The good news is I’ve got SO many images to share with you and many a tale to tell of our travelling adventures with a 7 month old. So please sit tight and swing past this site in the next day or two.
I wanted to share the above photo with you, it brings back such lovely memories. One estancia that we stayed at for ten days in remote Argentina the only access was on horseback with a team of pack-mules. This is a photo of my baby girl, Finn at 7 months old. She was in our baby carrier for the three hour ride and she slept for the entire time apart from these five minutes where she smiled for the camera. The gentle rhythm of the horse lulled her to sleep. I love showing you the world baby girl from the back of a horse. A globetrotter is born. x