Meet a Globetrotter: Susan Wettenhall
Craig’s Hut & High Country Ride, AustraliaIt’s time for you to meet the wonderful Susan Wettenhall, a first-time globetrotter who recently ticked off a very special item on her bucket list… riding in the footsteps of the Man from Snowy River and visiting Craig’s Hut! As Susan describes it, horses are her life, and what better way to enjoy it than to explore the Victorian High Country from the best seat in the world.
What is your day job?
I’m a truck driver for TNT Express Australia.
How have horses influenced or changed your life?
I think my horses gave me my life. They are the reason I get up in the morning and I love the partnership you can have with your horse.
What is your earliest memory of horses?
Coming from a totally non-horsey family, I was about eight years old when I had my first pony ride and never looked back from then!
What was your childhood pony called?
Unfortunately I didn’t have my own horse until I finished high school.
What have horses taught you the most?
Patience, trust, respect and teamwork.
What was your first Globetrotting ride?
Craig’s Hut & High Country Ride, November 2016.
What made you take the plunge and sign up for a Globetrotting holiday?
I have always wanted to visit Craig’s Hut – an enthusiastic Man From Snowy River fan from when I was a kid. This was always my dream, to ride in his footsteps! 🙂
Which Globetrotting rides have you since completed/booked/dreamed about?
The next ride I want to do is The Kimberley Ride in 2018.
What is your most memorable Globetrotting moment?
Visiting Craig’s Hut and taking in the astonishing views from the top of Mt Sterling.
Why choose this type of travel, as in exploring a new country from the back of a horse?
There is no better way to travel! It is so relaxing, takes you out of the hustle and bustle of traffic and the stress that comes from driving in that, and forces you to really slow down and enjoy your holiday!
Finish this sentence – Don’t leave home without…
Your camera!