Introducing our little globetrotter – Finn
We’re bursting at the seams to share our bundle of joy to the world, who will be joining us on our globetrotting adventures. So, without further a do, here is our little girl Finn, who was born May 9, a day after her Mama’s birthday (yes, I was in labour the day before my birthday, […]
Horse People: Chile’s Baqueano
The man’s face is worn and tanned like a well-loved leather boot. He sits deep in his rustic sheepskin saddle, his feet pushed out to the sides, his stirrups positioned near his heels. Spare spurs attached to the saddle chink in rhythm with the clip of his horse’s shoes on the rocks. A rawhide lasso […]
horse art
I wanted to share with you a very clever artist that lives out ‘whoop whoop’ in rural Queensland who paints the most beautiful, child-like, candid, colourful and whimsical paintings of horses. Laura Crane has a natural ability with the brush, the use of colour and an affinity with horses. These three elements have gone into […]
getting under the skin
Naadam Festival – Mongolia The girl’s cheeks are flushed beetroot red, her half moon eyes bright with anticipation as her wiry bay pony jigs around in a circle. Shadows of her horse’s ribs are visible beneath the make-shift saddle, a stirrup-less foam pad that is secured by a rawhide girth strap. The number nine is […]
“A horse is the projection of peoples’ dreams about themselves – strong, powerful, beautiful – and it has the capability of giving us escape from our mundane existence.” Pam Brown This photo was taken by Steven Pilcher within the dusty depths of the Namib Desert, Namibia.
faces of the world
My incredibly talented husband, Steven, took this profile shot of a Mongolian man smoking his hand-made rollie (tobacco and newspaper) while watching a wrestling match as part of the Naadam Festivities in Khatgal, Mongolia. I love this photo – it gives me tingles every time I see it! This Masai mzee (mzee is a swahili […]