Saddle Up: Erica Neumann’s Craig’s Hut & High Country Ride
Get ready, globetrotters, you’re in for a real treat! The wonderfully talented Erica Neumann kept a journal of her horse riding holiday in the Victorian High Country of Australia and very kindly allowed us to share it with you all! Honestly, Erica’s in-depth account of this trip is perfect – I couldn’t have written it […]
Horse Breed: Lusitano
Name of breed: Lusitano, also called the Pure Blood Lusitano or Puro Sangue Lusitano (PSL). Country of origin: Portugal Breed origin: The Iberian Peninsula, which now sits within Spain and Portugal, has been populated with horses since 20-30,000 BC. Known as Iberian horses, they were influenced by horses from many other parts of the world as civilisations […]
10 Gift Ideas for Horse Loving Travel Addicts
It’s that time of year, globetrotters – amidst the anticipation of welcoming 2022 and kicking 2021 in the pants, everyone’s rushing around trying to find the perfect gifts for their nearest and dearest. And since so many of you have loved ones who LOVE travelling on horseback, we thought we’d give you some inspiration. And […]
Horse Riding Holidays for Wine Lovers
‘Horses and wine – what more could you want?!’ This is a statement we hear ALL the time here at Globetrotting! And for good reason: life truly doesn’t get much better than trotting through beautiful scenery for days on end, stopping in at cellar doors and restaurants to wine and dine to your heart’s content. […]
Feedback on the Hay Triangle Ride, Wales
First-time, solo globetrotter Judy Enoch just got back from her COVID-safe horse riding minibreak in Wales. As one of the first to experience the Hay Triangle ride [now the Trans Wales Trail], she certainly seems to have given it her tick of approval! Read on to see what she had to say about this firecracker […]
Feedback on the Rainbow Beach, Bush & Cattle Ride
Talk about making a splash! Jennifer Colditz was one of our first globetrotters to embark on a horse riding holiday post-COVID. Without even leaving her home state of Queensland, she found herself in Globetrotting paradise in the form of the Rainbow Beach, Bush & Cattle Ride. And going by her feedback, this ride is back […]
The Glenorchy Back Country Ride in Pictures
Apologies in advance if the loading time for this post is a little bit crazy, globetrotters, but when you’re given a treasure chest full of phenomenal photos from the Glenorchy Back Country Ride, choosing a handful to share is just about impossible! Genelle Bevan is a globetrotter and photographer extraordinaire. That’s her riding the beautiful […]
Feedback on the Sumba Ride
Jenny Bright is one of a handful of globetrotters who have been lucky enough to visit the island of Sumba, Indonesia for the Pasola Festival and enjoy the many delights of this slice of paradise. Afterwards, she shared such brilliant feedback with us that we HAD to share it with you! Check it out below. […]
Stay Wild and Free: Selina and Vispo
Selina Micòl Wendt is an equestrian based in Liguria, Italy, whose Instagram account @selina_vispo celebrates the unique joy and freedom of riding in nature. ‘Stay wild and free’ is her motto, and we say AMEN to that! Selina kindly took the time to give us some insight into her life with horses – and more […]
Horse Breed: Bavarian Warmblood
Name of breed: Bavarian Warmblood, or Bayerisches Warmblut Country of origin: Germany Breed origin: The Bavarian Warmblood developed from an ancient Bavarian breed called the Rottaler. The best Rottalers were calm, substantial, all-purpose horses used for everything from carriage driving to plowing to riding. A registry for Rottalers was founded in 1907, but when the […]
Horse Breed: Falabella
Name of breed: Falabella Miniature Horse, or simply Falabella Country of origin: Argentina Breed origin: The ancestors of the Falabella are believed to have been brought to Latin America by the Spaniards, eventually forming large wild herds that roamed the vast pampas and in turn gave rise to various breeds including the Criollo. Shaped by natural […]
Feedback on The River Valley Ride
Well, the first season of The River Valley Ride is done and dusted! Over three departures, 24 very lucky guests have experienced the thrills of this epic ride in New Zealand’s North Island – and while all of the feedback we received made us glow with pride, Helen Down’s feedback was the icing on the […]
18 of the Best Horse Travel Books
2020 is shaping up to be the unofficial Year of the Armchair Traveller, so with that in mind, we asked our globetrotters for their recommendations on horse travel books to help tide us over until we can get back in the saddle on another horse riding holiday. The following true stories all come highly recommended, […]
Horse Breed: Knabstrupper
Name of breed: Knabstrupper, or Knabstrup Country of origin: Denmark Breed origin: The Knabstrupper is believed to trace back to the prehistoric spotted horses that were native to what is now Spain. Cave paintings of horses with spots akin to the leopard patterning seen in many Knabstruppers have been discovered in these regions. However, the […]
Working from Home Globetrotting Style!
For all of us here at Globetrotting, working from home is nothing new – it’s how we roll. But that’s not to say that coronavirus hasn’t changed a few things! Check out how we’re #workingfromhome and {in some cases literally} riding out COVID-19. Kate: ‘This is me – working from home! Quite often I have […]
Horse Breed: Spanish Mustang
Name of breed: Spanish Mustang, officially known as the Colonial Spanish Horse. Country of origin: United States Breed origin: Contrary to what its name implies, the Spanish Mustang (or Colonial Spanish Horse) is not a wild horse breed, nor is it especially closely related to the Mustang. The Spanish Mustang is descended from various horse […]
Feedback on the Craig’s Hut & High Country Ride
That there is the smile of a man who just completed his first ever horse riding holiday – a ride he’d been dreaming about since he was a kid – with just THREE HOURS of riding experience under his belt! Needless to say, Scott Wilson is our new Globetrotting idol. Having dreamed of riding through […]
Terms and Conditions Explained
I wanted to explain our terms and conditions particularly around our change policy, cancellations by you and what happens if there are changes made by our ride partners. Just so you know where you stand in this current climate. We’re here to inform you, educate you but not persuade you. We can’t make a decision […]
A Very Bavarian Easter: the Saint George Ride
Processions on horseback are traditional in many rural regions of Bavaria, Germany. Perhaps one of the most well known processions is the ‘Georgiritt’ – the Saint George Ride – in the city of Traunstein every Easter Monday. The earliest known record of this festival dates back to 1762, although it probably evolved from a medieval […]
Equestrian Workouts You Can Do At Home
So you’re stuck at home for a while, huh? It sucks, we know – but why not use this time to improve your saddle fitness with rider-specific workouts? Both you and your horse will feel the benefits – and you don’t even need a saddle, let alone a horse! The following online resources will guide […]
Horse Breed: Mérens
Name of breed: Mérens, also known as the Ariégeois pony. Country of origin: Southern France (the Pyrenees and Ariégeois mountains) and Northern Spain (near Andorra) Breed origin: The Mérens horse is thought to have emerged in prehistoric times, although the early history of the breed remains a mystery. It could have come from the Iberian […]